The 2025 British Cattle Breeders Club conference will be held at the Telford Hotel & Golf Resort at Telford, from Monday 20th - Wednesday 22nd January.  The conference theme is 'The Herd of the Future' as chosen by current Chairman Andy King. 

Our theme is that cattle production and breeding is essential for global food security, but what are our roles and responsibilities in ensuring we can continue to feed a growing population whilst reducing the impact on our planet.  Moreover, what role will farmers play and what is required of them to feed our growing population.  How can this be done sustainably regarding the footprint we leave?  The future of cattle breeding will need to deliver outcomes that embrace change to meet production targets and expectations of environmental care.  Farmers have been under an increasing spotlight in recent times - What's the incentive to continue under the often negative pressures exerted by influential lobbyists.  What will that mean in the short and long-term?  All this leads us to question, what will the 'herd' of the future look like, for both stock and stock keepers?

The conference is a fantastic forum where both the beef and dairy industries meet providing the perfect opportunity for discussing and sharing ideas, challenging and encouraging debate and driving businesses forward.  Attracting around 300 delegates over 2 1/2 days, we will start the conference with an interactive workshop on Monday afternoon, followed by beef presentations on Tuesday finishing the day with a bovine session.  Wednesday will start with a second bovine session, followed by dairy presentations.  Evening events on both Monday and Tuesday provide further networking opportunities.

We are currently inviting key influential speakers across our industry and once we have the full programme confirmed I will forward this to you.  If you are also able to include the conference details within any members newsletters or on your website it would be greatly appreciated.  Likewise if you have any events that you would like me to promote through our platforms please let me know.